Sorry… we dematerialised

APOLOGIES to those of you who were following links to my Blog and found not only that they did not work but also that the entire website had disappeared and was inaccessible. This gave rise to a few conspiracy theories but the reason was far more prosaic. The Servers on which was hosted, along with hundreds of other websites, crashed spectacularly. It has taken the hosting company 48 hours to retrieve the data from those Servers and transfer it to new ones, and then to get the owners of those websites to point their domains at the new Servers. All very technical and frustrating, but finally accomplished.

However, once that was sorted we discovered another problem: new Comments were not appearing. Eventually, we found the Comments: they were being directed to a mirror version of my Blog, so old comments were on this website but new ones went elsewhere and, generally, were not visible. That, too, is now sorted and all Comments are once more integrated. So, sorry for any inconvenience. I’m pleased to say normal (or should that be paranormal?) service has now been resumed and hopefully will not be interrupted by gremlins in the future.

Comments are closed.